Monday, October 25, 2010


Wellington Palestine Group, Vic Students for Palestine &
Aotearoa Jews for Justice present

Award-winning lecturer ANNA BALTZER
In Wellington for her only presentation:

Is Peace in the Middle East Possible?

CHAIR: Dr. Ramon Das
Senior Lecturer, Victoria University School of History, Philosophy, Political Science & International Relations

Thursday 4 November – 6.15pm
Old Government Buildings, 15 Lambton Quay, GBLT1.

Anna Baltzer, Jewish American award-winning speaker, author, former Fulbright scholar, and granddaughter of Holocaust refugees is coming to town with her acclaimed presentation about the conflict, and what you can do to bring peace and justice to Israel/Palestine.

Raised with traditional views, Baltzer’s perspective changed when she moved to the West Bank to work with nonviolent Palestinians and Israelis. Her courageous voice for coexistence and insistence on honest reporting has led to lectures at universities, churches, synagogues, mosques, and policy institutes around the world.

“Baltzer sheds light on the important political, historical, and emotional complexities of the challenges facing Israel and Palestine.” - Jim Doyle, Governor of Wisconsin

“Even those who are familiar with the grim reality of the occupied territories will quickly be drawn into a world they had barely imagined by these vivid, searingly honest, intensely acute portrayals.” - Noam Chomsky, Professor Emeritus & Middle East Specialist

Baltzer will also be selling and signing copies of her book: Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories.For more information visit