Friday, March 20, 2009

Canada closes doors on Galloway

British lawmaker George Galloway has been banned from visiting Canada to deliver an anti-war speech over his support for blockaded Gaza.

Canada's immigration service says the outspoken anti-war legislator was denied entry on national security grounds.

Calling the ban "idiotic", Galloway vowed to use all means at his disposal to overturn the ruling.

"The outrageous decision is not something I'm prepared to accept," Galloway said Friday.

Meanwhile, the Canadian immigration ministry said the decision would not be overturned since it was designed to "protect Canadians from people who fund, support or engage in terrorism".

Galloway violated EU sanctions on Gaza earlier in March by handing over more than 1.5 million pounds of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian government in the Gaza Strip.

Canada considers Hamas, the democratically-elected Palestinian government confined to the territory, as a terrorist group.

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