Wednesday, June 2, 2010



LocalMan said...

It's time New Zealand led the World's conscience again - we gained (eventually) international respect for our stance on nuclear testing. Key's lack of condemnation of Israel's high seas piracy is a disgrace. You have my total support.


劉淑芬 said...

變天了~~注意身體,別感冒囉! .................................................................

Alan Ireland said...

I have just sent the following letter to the editor of the Manawatu Standard at :

Eileen Zinsli says (Letters to the Editor, June 25) that “activists” aboard the Mavi Marmara (not “Mari Marmara”) disembowelled the commanding officer of the Israeli troops who boarded the ship: “…using their hands, [they] spilled his bowels out.”

The officer she refers to has been identified as “Captain R”. This was his testimony, as reported by the New York Post on June 2 (

“I was in front of a number of people with knives and clubs. I cocked my weapon when I saw one of them coming towards me with a knife drawn and I fired once. Then another 20 people came at me and threw me down to the deck below.

“Then I felt a stabbing in the stomach. It was a knife. I got the knife out, then somehow got down to the lower deck. There was another mob of people.

“Another soldier and I managed to get out of there and jump into the water.”

How does Ms Zinsli account for the striking discrepancy between her version of events and the soldier’s own recollection of what happened? I call on her to reveal the source of her information.

Alan Ireland