New Zealand Must Condemn Israel’s Brutal Crimes
The Wellington Palestine Group has called on the New Zealand government to summon the Israeli ambassador for a reprimand over the Israeli commando raid on the humanitarian flotilla sailing for Gaza.
Spokesperson, Omar Hamed, says it's convenient that Israel has just appointed a new ambassador to Wellington.
"We protested at the time Mr Tzur arrived here, but now he's here, he needs dragging along The Terrace to get a dressing down at parliament for an act of international piracy", Mr Hamed says.
"The flotilla was still on the high seas on a mercy mission to bring vital supplies to the civilian population of besieged Gaza. The Gaza Palestinians are mostly refugees from Israeli occupation and have endured years of suffering under a brutal Israeli blockade. Now, when a shipload of good Samaritans try to help, the Israelis send their commandos out to murder the good Samaritans."
Mr Hamed says the Foreign Minister, Murray McCully, may historically be a friend of Israel. But Mr Hamed says Israel's illegal and brutal attacks on defenseless humanitarians have outraged even Israel's friends.
Mr Hamed says calling in an ambassador for a reprimand is a well established diplomatic action, and cited the New Zealand government calling in the French ambassador every time the French conducted a nuclear bomb test in the Pacific, as an example.
Mr Hamed says Murray McCully should join the rest of the international community and demand that the Israeli ambassador convey a message that Israel must lift its siege on Gaza and cease illegal settlement building elsewhere in occupied Palestinian territory.
For further information contact:
Omar Hamed - 029 455 5789
Serena Moran - 021 115 6685
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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"Mr Hamed says Israel's illegal and brutal attacks on defenseless humanitarians..."
Here's video evidence of the "defenseless" thugs beating up the soldiers who were sent merely to check the flotilla for weapons -- and taking guns from the first few beaten soldiers then firing them on the soldiers who boarded later:
. . . or to quote the illustrious Johnny Rotten, Mssr. Hamed "ya lie-a-lie-lie-lie, ya lie-a-lie-lie-lie, tell me why, tell me why, why ya gotta lie?"
(notably, on boats that did NOT attack the soldiers, there was no violence: the soldiers boarding every boat received the same briefing -- fire only in self-defense, and use the PA to explain that they're being boarded.)
More videos (with sound) exist, this is just the best one. Blog entries like this damage your own credibility.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
This all started b/c the Arab imperialists can't admit that, like the Maori, the Jews are the earliest people who still exist today to have worked the land, and the Arab EMPIRE shoulda granted aboriginal-rights to the Jews (not all their land back, which extended into Jordan & Syria in ancient times, but shoulda gave just a portion of it back in 1947 instead of declaring an illegal war(illegal because these Arab states were UN members, starting a war without UN permission -- same as GWB was more recently accused of) ...or are ya gonna lie-a-lie-lie-lie again and go thru logical backflips to "prove" that the ones who BUILT Jerusalem, led by King David, were Arabs? Go on, tell me some historical-revisionism. :-)
. . . BTW, don't bother with Arafat's "Philistines means Arab-Palestinians and thus we pre-existed the JEws nand WE are the aboriginals" line b/c Herodotus and another Ancient Greek historian say the Philistines who occupied Gaza were JEWS, just a different tribe of Jews. And DNA evidence shows that even the pale Ashkenazi Jews share ancestors from 3,000 years ago with the Mizrahi Jews who stayed in the Jerusalem region for centuries so don't bother trying the other tired old line of "These are not real Jews" historical-revisionism (which Arafat's mentor learned from his ally, HITLER, as explained next).
(Not sure why I'm even taking your blog this seriously, seems like no one reads it. ;-) )
Today's situation also started because Arafat's "hero" and mentor, the Mufti of Jerusalem, attempted GENOCIDE in 1943 by collaborating with HITLER (this is well-documented, as the Mufti was found guilty @ Nuremberg & a videotaped interview w/Arafat (you'll find it within a few google searches) shows Arafat praising the Mufti, immediately after being reminded that he was a NAZI COLLABORATOR.
. . . funny how many "liberals" today revere Arafat, the protégé of HITLER's ally...Nazis are the allies of the (pseudo) liberals now? Similarly, Che Guevara used to line-up homosexuals & executed em for being gay, now Che the war-criminal is revered by the (pseudo) liberals [Is this & Che's other war-crimes a "liberal" value now, eh?). So whenever someone claims to support gay rights, and to support Che Guavara, at the same time, I begin to think they're a bit...confused.)
Part 2.
Today's situation also started because Arafat's "hero" and mentor, the Mufti of Jerusalem, attempted GENOCIDE in 1943 by collaborating with HITLER (this is well-documented, as the Mufti was found guilty @ Nuremberg & a videotaped interview w/Arafat (you'll find it within a few google searches) shows Arafat praising the Mufti, immediately after being reminded that he was a NAZI COLLABORATOR.
. . . funny how many "liberals" today revere Arafat, the protégé of HITLER's ally...Nazis are the allies of the (pseudo) liberals now? Similarly, Che Guevara used to line-up homosexuals & executed em for being gay, now Che the war-criminal is revered by the (pseudo) liberals [Is this & Che's other war-crimes a "liberal" value now, eh?). So whenever someone claims to support gay rights, and to support Che Guavara, at the same time, I begin to think they're a bit...confused.)
After that 1943 genocide-attempt, the UN decided to separate & give autonomy to both sides, angering the Mufti's Muslim-supremacist followers even more -- and today many Arabs who praise the UN for creating "political autonomy" in the 1990's to take power away from Slobodan Milosevic, as his genocide in that case hurt MUSLIMS of the Balkans, will be hypocrites and condemn the UN for making the SAME decision in 1947 to grant "political autonomy" to the Palestinian-Jews after the Mufti and his followers tried to collaborate with Hitler to "ethnically cleanse" the Levant's Palestinian-Jews (as they were called during the Mandate Period where GB renamed it & all its inhabitants "Palestine/Palestinians" respectively). Note that some of these were Mizrahi Jews, i.e. never left the Levant (the Jerusalem region), and other Jews were from Europe, invited in by Abdullah --the grandfather of today's King of Jordan-- as King Abdullah himself admits in his autobio, "Memoirs..." (google it), and Abdullah also admits in his book that the Jews bought the land from Arabs at high prices, and brought technology that drained swamps thus reducing malaria for Arabs and Jews alike (in case Hamed Junior doesn't know his own people's history: King Abdullah is saying that Mssr. Hamed might not even be alive, if not for the "Jewish presence" which he protests against: what a selfish, disgraceful little f'ing ingrate xD ); King Abdullah invited the Jews not only for the life-saving tech they brought, but b/c he simply wasn't a religious-bigot like the Mufti, he was more secular & pragmatic than the Mufti, and unlike the Mufti, fought the Ottoman Turks who oppressed Arabs & Jews alike, to free Arabs and Jews (alongside Jewish fighters). There you go: am I a bigot who hates all arabs? Nope, words of RESPECT for the peace-makers like Abdullah.
Part 3.
Note that some of these were Mizrahi Jews, i.e. never left the Levant (the Jerusalem region), and other Jews were from Europe, invited in by Abdullah --the grandfather of today's King of Jordan-- as King Abdullah himself admits in his autobio, "Memoirs..." (google it), and Abdullah also admits in his book that the Jews bought the land from Arabs at high prices, and brought technology that drained swamps thus reducing malaria for Arabs and Jews alike (in case Hamed Junior doesn't know his own people's history: King Abdullah is saying that Mssr. Hamed might not even be alive, if not for the "Jewish presence" which he protests against: what a selfish, disgraceful little f'ing ingrate xD ); King Abdullah invited the Jews not only for the life-saving tech they brought, but b/c he simply wasn't a religious-bigot like the Mufti, he was more secular & pragmatic than the Mufti, and unlike the Mufti, fought the Ottoman Turks who oppressed Arabs & Jews alike, to free Arabs and Jews (alongside Jewish fighters). There you go: am I a bigot who hates all arabs? Nope, words of RESPECT for the peace-makers like Abdullah.
Is Israel apartheid? Not according to the Zulu prince, Bhuthelezi (a Minister for Nelson Mandela as well), who KNOWS apartheid intimately: google his surname + Israel + apartheid to verify... The demographics also speak the truth: Arab-Israelis exist in Israel, but no Jews in the P.N.A. and Civil Law #6 in Jordan officially bans Jews: THAT is a REAL apartheid state, i.e. banning ALL members of a race. The reason most "Palestinians" exist is because they cooperated with a second genocide-attempt in 1947, as General Nasser of the Arab League very proudly and publicly called a press conference, promising to do a genocide of "pushing the Jews into the sea [then taking the wealth" which the European ones among them had brought, having believed in King Abdullah's invitation to the European portion of the Jews]... The Arabs' DECLARATION OF AN ILLEGAL WAR (remember: as UN member-states, they have no more right to declare a war against Isael w/o UN permission than the USA has a right to go to war w/o UN permission... Archived, period newspapers still carry this story online, so don't bother denying it.
Part 4. because they cooperated with a second genocide-attempt in 1947, as General Nasser of the Arab League very proudly and publicly called a press conference, promising to do a genocide of "pushing the Jews into the sea [then taking the wealth" which the European ones among them had brought, having believed in King Abdullah's invitation to the European portion of the Jews]... The Arabs' DECLARATION OF AN ILLEGAL WAR (remember: as UN member-states, they have no more right to declare a war against Isael w/o UN permission than the USA has a right to go to war w/o UN permission... Archived, period newspapers still carry this story online, so don't bother denying it.
. . . and sickenly they declared this war against the NATIVES WHO BUILT Jerusalem, who were merely asserting their ABORIGINAL RIGHTS as the earliest-known culture to have worked the land, and THIS ILLEGAL 60-YEAR WAR, being greedy to secure the Arab Empire's IMPERIALIST conquest despite having so much other fertile land that goes unused, is what displaced countless Palestinian AND JEWISH refugees in the decades thereafter.
. . . General Nasser's plan was very public (again, google for Nasser + push Jews into sea or similar...), because he tried to get to cooperation of the Arab populace: He extolled Arab civilians to go east and north, to orderly cross the borders into Syria/Jordan during which it would be verified they are not Jews, after which the Arab League armies could go on the genocidal rampage without worries that they'd accidentally kill a few Arab civilians along with Jews.
Part 5.
Sorry, but your grandparents most likely cooperated with an attempted GENOCIDE (hey so did mine: Jeff is a German name), thus becoming Palestinian (non-citizens) rather than Arab-Israelis (citizens with full rights); the ones who became Arab-Israelis are those who listened as Israeli cars --mounted with PA speakers-- BEGGED the Arabs to stay and live in peace. Israel INVITED in Arabs and gave full rights of citizenship to Arabs who accepted in the first few months (rather than the others, who via their treachery, became a diminished legal status of "Palestinian" i.e. stateless, not a citizen.) The P.N.A. and Jordan separate a WHOLE race (apartheid) but the mere EXISTENCE of Arab-Israelis (with full rights and legal status--unlike Palestinians) to this day also proves that Israel is not apartheid, i.e. Israel drew separations, not based on RACE nor separating a WHOLE race as Jordan and the Palestinian Authority do, but rather it's based upon and for purposes of security and because the UN offered the Arabs their own state in 1947 (they rejected it, preferring war instead); this is Israel's way of keeping that offer open but not allowing enough of a Fifth Column to develop in their own cities. It's unfortunate that, after trying to let the Palestinians vote in the late-70's (and seeing that they kept voting for leaders who wanted renewed violence), and as ISR was still being attacked from the Arab region --int'l law, Maori, NZ, EVERYBODY's law says you have the right to self-defense-- they needed to keep patrolling the region and "occupying" it (per the term used in the Geneva Conventions, and it's 100% legal so long as you're still being attacked from that region) . . . the reason it's unfortunate is because at that point (1970's) the original groups that had collaborated with the genocide attempt or other major treachery were not the only Palestinians:
. . . They had kids, and now Israel was placed in the catch-22 of punishing these kids for the sins of their parents, or else punishing their own WHOLE society by letting a Fifth Column run amok; THIS CATCH-22 NEVER WOULDA HAPPENED IF ONLY A MAJORITY OF ARABS WANTED 1947 or late-1970's (when that voting took place) or anytime inbetween...
Part 5.
Sorry, but your grandparents most likely cooperated with an attempted GENOCIDE (hey so did mine: Jeff is a German name), thus becoming Palestinian (non-citizens) rather than Arab-Israelis (citizens with full rights); the ones who became Arab-Israelis are those who listened as Israeli cars --mounted with PA speakers-- BEGGED the Arabs to stay and live in peace. Israel INVITED in Arabs and gave full rights of citizenship to Arabs who accepted in the first few months (rather than the others, who via their treachery, became a diminished legal status of "Palestinian" i.e. stateless, not a citizen.) The P.N.A. and Jordan separate a WHOLE race (apartheid) but the mere EXISTENCE of Arab-Israelis (with full rights and legal status--unlike Palestinians) to this day also proves that Israel is not apartheid, i.e. Israel drew separations, not based on RACE nor separating a WHOLE race as Jordan and the Palestinian Authority do, but rather it's based upon and for purposes of security and because the UN offered the Arabs their own state in 1947 (they rejected it, preferring war instead); this is Israel's way of keeping that offer open but not allowing enough of a Fifth Column to develop in their own cities. It's unfortunate that, after trying to let the Palestinians vote in the late-70's (and seeing that they kept voting for leaders who wanted renewed violence), and as ISR was still being attacked from the Arab region --int'l law, Maori, NZ, EVERYBODY's law says you have the right to self-defense-- they needed to keep patrolling the region and "occupying" it (per the term used in the Geneva Conventions, and it's 100% legal so long as you're still being attacked from that region) . . . the reason it's unfortunate is because at that point (1970's) the original groups that had collaborated with the genocide attempt or other major treachery were not the only Palestinians:
Part 6 (LAST...phew, hard to summarize 60 years of history, let alone centuries).
. . . They had kids, and now Israel was placed in the catch-22 of punishing these kids for the sins of their parents, or else punishing their own WHOLE society by letting a Fifth Column run amok; THIS CATCH-22 NEVER WOULDA HAPPENED IF ONLY A MAJORITY OF ARABS WANTED 1947 or late-1970's (when that voting took place) or anytime inbetween... The Arafat & Hamas remind me of this 5'2" drunk guy (weak Arabs) who picked a fight in a pub last week, against someone twice his size (Israel) and despite that he'd butted into the already-occupied table (land) of the big guy, they got tired of one annoy drunk after another crashing the party (Christian-Arab-Turk invading Judea/Israel) and went ape-$h!t... so then the little aggressive drunk sues when he gets his @$$ beat like a punk, and expects the world to say, "Aw, poor guy" after he ruins the night at the pub for himself, the one he attacked, and everyone else. Then the war took on a dimension of the pawn (Israel) of the strong nation (USA) versus the pawn (Arabs) of the weak nation (USSR), as Arabs allied with USSR, then Israel followed suit with USA (but this is already too long: I need to over-simplify the 1950-1990 history by sayin: proxt-war using pawns ;-) ).
I'm just glad that aside from Gaza, Palestinians are now represented by Abu Mazen, who I trust to trade land-for-peace with more credibility than the Hitler/Mufti-lovin Arafat who imported arms illegally, sponsored terrorism even as he pretended to be serious about land-for-peace, etc.
. . . In contrast to Arafat's shady track-record, Israel has maintained land-for-peace for decades w/Egypt and Jordan; BUT as soon as Arafat's gone, Hamas creates new problems... SO, IF YOU DON'T WANT MORE ARAB KIDS DYING IN THE FOG OF WAR, STOP HAMAS: Hamas firing from residential areas (a war-crime b/c it forces ISR to either accept dead civilians on their side, or attack & create dead civilians on the other side: a catch-22, because no matter whether ISR attacks or not, it is HAMAS who forces a situation where dead civilians WILL result (no matter what Israel does) on one side, the other, or both.
Part 6 (LAST...phew, hard to summarize centuries of history).
. . . They had kids, and now Israel was placed in the catch-22 of punishing these kids for the sins of their parents, or else punishing their own WHOLE society by letting a Fifth Column run amok; THIS CATCH-22 NEVER WOULDA HAPPENED IF ONLY A MAJORITY OF ARABS WANTED 1947 or late-1970's (when that voting took place) or anytime inbetween... The Arafat & Hamas remind me of this 5'2" drunk guy (weak Arabs) who picked a fight in a pub last week, against someone twice his size (Israel) and despite that he'd butted into the already-occupied table (land) of the big guy, they got tired of one annoy drunk after another crashing the party (Christian-Arab-Turk invading Judea/Israel) and went ape-$h!t... so then the little aggressive drunk sues when he gets his @$$ beat like a punk, and expects the world to say, "Aw, poor guy" after he ruins the night at the pub for himself, the one he attacked, and everyone else. Then the war took on a dimension of the pawn (Israel) of the strong nation (USA) versus the pawn (Arabs) of the weak nation (USSR), as Arabs allied with USSR, then Israel followed suit with USA (but this is already too long: I need to over-simplify the 1950-1990 history by sayin: proxt-war using pawns ;-) ).
I'm just glad that aside from Gaza, Palestinians are now represented by Abu Mazen, who I trust to trade land-for-peace with more credibility than the Hitler/Mufti-lovin Arafat who imported arms illegally, sponsored terrorism even as he pretended to be serious about land-for-peace, etc.
. . . In contrast to Arafat's shady track-record, Israel has maintained land-for-peace for decades w/Egypt and Jordan; BUT as soon as Arafat's gone, Hamas creates new problems... SO, IF YOU DON'T WANT MORE ARAB KIDS DYING IN THE FOG OF WAR, STOP HAMAS: Hamas firing from residential areas (a war-crime b/c it forces ISR to either accept dead civilians on their side, or attack & create dead civilians on the other side: a catch-22, because no matter whether ISR attacks or not, it is HAMAS who forces a situation where dead civilians WILL result (no matter what Israel does) on one side, the other, or both.
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